Map of Oaxaca state

My Cycling Tour in Oaxaca, Mexico

Alan Bloom

Oax 1July 15-22Sat-SatOaxaca (non-cycling)
Day 0July 23SundayOaxaca to Mitla to Oaxaca
Oax 2July 24-29Mon-SatOaxaca (non-cycling)
Day 1July 30SundayOaxaca to Mihuatlán
Day 2July 31MondayMihuatlán to Candelaria
Day 3August 1TuesdayCandelaria to Puerto Ángel
Day 4August 2Wednesday Pto Ángel to Pto Escondido/Rio Grande
Day 5August 3ThursdayRio Grande to Pinotepa Nacional
Day 6August 4FridayPinotepa Nacional to Cacahuatepec
Day 7August 5SaturdayCacahuatepec to Putla
Day 8August 6SundayPutla
Day 9August 7MondayPutla to Tlaxiaco
Day 10August 8TuesdayTlaxiaco to Teposcolula
Day 11August 9WednesdayTeposcolula to Nochixtlán
Day 12August 10ThursdayNochixtlán to Oaxaca
Oax 3August 11-12 Fri-SatOaxaca (non-cycling)

This trip report was transcribed from the hand-written diary of my trip to Mexico in 2006. I went for a two-week Spanish study program in Oaxaca city at the Instituto Cultural de Oaxaca, sponsored by the Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC), and then stayed an additional two weeks to do a self-supported bicycle tour around the state of Oaxaca.

The first two weeks of the trip did not involve cycling. I was living with a local family while studying Spanish at the Instituto. However, the main purpose of this web site is to document my bicycle tours, so I wasn't sure how much of the non-cycling part of my diary to include. I finally decided to go ahead and include most of it. Anyone not interested can just skip the portions labeled (non-cycling) in the table above.

The reason I keep mentioning prices in the report is not that I am obsessed with money but so that others reading this will have an idea of what it costs to travel in Mexico. The guidebook that I mention from time to time is Moon Handbooks' Oaxaca. It's a fat (over 475 pages), highly-detailed guidebook devoted entirely to the state of Oaxaca. The route I followed is from Bicycling Mexico by Ericka Weisbroth and Eric Ellman. It's out of date (1990) but still useful.

Some useful links for bicycle touring in Oaxaca and Mexico:

Oaxaca Moon Handbooks' guidebook to the state of Oaxaca
Bicycling Mexico A book of bicycling routes throughout Mexico
The People's Guide to Mexico Carl Franz's idiosyncratic, funny, and useful guidebook to budget travel in Mexico
On-line magazine about Mexico
Oaxaca's tourist guide General tourist information about Oaxaca state
Oaxaca's Pacific coast Information about the southern part of Oaxaca state
Oaxaca state map Downloadable road maps of Oaxaca state
Oaxaca city map Street map of Oaxaca city

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Last updated November 23, 2021