My Cycling Tour inOaxaca, Day 0

July 23 Wednesday, Oaxaca to Mitla to Oaxaca

Day 0 map

Day 0 elevation profile
56 miles, 570 feet of climb, 5604 ft max. elev. (200 ft/div)

Road scene Today I rode to Mitla and back, mainly to check out the bike and my body for the tour starting in a week. Good thing: apparently I had forgotten to tighten the left crankarm bolt, which came loose a few miles into the ride. I tightened it with my "Cool Tool" multi-tool, but I will tighten it again back in the room with a full-sized wrench.

Road signs Once you get out of the city, route 190 has a nice shoulder and good pavement. However the drivers seemed to like to drive on the shoulder for some reason I didn't understand. Then I saw a sign that explained that's what you're supposed to do so people can pass on the two-lane road.

The route is mostly flat but I had a pretty good headwind on the way out so it took me, as I recall, about 2 1/2 hours to do the 45 km to Mitla. I bought a Coke from a vendor and spent an hour or so wandering around the ruins.

The ruins at Mitla

The view out the restaurant door I had lunch in the town of Mitla. I sat and observed the street scene through the open door as I waited for the food to appear. I had the comida corrida, or set lunch, which turned out to be soup, "agua" (fruit juice mixed with water), ribs, rice, a small lettuce/tomato salad, tortillas, beans, and jello for desert. All for 40 pesos (about $3.60).

On the way back I stopped at Santa Maria del Tule, took photos of the church and the famous giant cypress tree (biggest in the western hemisphere) and hung out for awhile watching the people.

The church and tree at Tule

I got back to the house a little after 4:00. Alejandro's father, whom I met the first day, was there with his wife. After dinner there was another long conversation with Alejandro, Vanessa, and Coralie. I called it quits at 11:15 so I can get up tomorrow.

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