Map of regions of Chile

My Cycling Tour in Chile

Alan Bloom

Day 0March 6-7Mon-TueConcepción
Day 1March 8Wednesday Concepción to Coelemu
Day 2March 9-10Thur-FriCoelemu to Chillán
Day 3March 11SaturdayChillán to Yungay
Day 4March 12SundayYungay to Los Ángeles
Day 5March 13MondayLos Ángeles to Angol
Day 6March 14TuesdayAngol to Curacautín
Day 7March 15WednesdayCuracautín to Melipeuco
Day 8March 16ThursdayMelipeuco to Villarrica
Day 9March 17FridayVillarrica to Panguipulli
Day 10March 18-19 Sat-SunPanguipulli to Valdivia
Day 11March 20MondayValdivia to Nueva Toltén
Day 12March 21TuesdayNueva Toltén to Pto Saavedra
Day 13March 22WednesdayPuerto Saavedra to Tirúa
Day 14March 23ThursdayTirúa to Cañete
Day 15March 24FridayCañete to Lebu
Day 16March 25SaturdayLebu to Coronel
Day 17March 26SundayCoronel to Concepción

In March 2006 I did a 3-week cycling tour in Chile, starting in Concepción, a city of 200,000 people located a little over 300 miles south of the capitol, Santiago. I had several reasons for this trip. First, I am a bicycle-touring enthusiast. Since I retired in November 2005 from a 30-year career in electrical engineering, I wanted to get my touring "fix" by visiting some of the places I never had time to see while I was working. The second reason was to learn some Spanish. I have been trying to learn by listening to tapes and reading, but there is nothing like traveling alone in a foreign country to force you to sink or swim in a new language.

My final reason was to check out Chile as a possible future home. I am thinking of starting a second career teaching electrical engineering at the university level, and I think it would be more fun and challenging to do it overseas. I picked Chile as my first choice because it is a prosperous stable country with a strong emphasis on education. I picked the area south of Concepción because it is at roughly the same latitude as my current home in Santa Rosa, California which means it should have similar temperatures, suitable for cycling year-round.

During this tour I kept an extensive diary on my AlphaSmart Dana computer. Unfortunately, due to an unexplained computer glitch after I came home all that data was lost. So the following was written from memory a few days after I returned.

Some useful Chile bicycle touring links

Sernatur, the Chilean tourist board
Chile facts from the CIA
Conguillío National Park.
Universidad de Concepción
Universidad del Bio Bio
Universidad Austral de Chile

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Last updated November 23, 2021