My Cycling Tour in Chile, Day 4

March 12 Sunday, Yungay to Los Ángeles

Day 4 map

Day 4 elevation profile
47 miles, 381 feet of climb, 1099 ft max

Roadside view with Antuco Volcano This is another day I don't particularly remember the ride. I think it was another easy day. I do remember enjoying a nice view of Antuco Volcano off in the distance.

Religious procession throuth streets of Los Angeles As I came into Los Ángeles I saw a string of cars go through with police cars at the front and back. Soon they had streets blocked off downtown. Before long a religious procession came down the street with a sound truck bring up the rear leading the chants. I assume they don't do this every Sunday; it must be some saint's day.

While looking for the Residencial El Angelino on Colo Colo street, standing on a street corner looking puzzled, a fellow across the street talked me into coming into his restaurant to have a second lunch. As I was leaving I got talking with his buddy who insisted I just have to visit the town of Nacimiento on my way to Angol tomorrow. I didn't quite catch what was so special about Nacimiento, but he insisted it was the place to go.

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