58 miles, 1952 feet of climb (200 ft/division)
We re-hung a set of still-damp cycling clothes in a sunny spot as soon as we got up and they were dry enough to wear by the time we got dressed for the ride. Breakfast was Claudine's special oatmeal again this morning which is good fortification for a day on the road.
The route today was through pleasant countryside with awesome views of the
snow-capped mountains in the distance.
We stopped and ate part of our lunch
in front of the Crescent Moon Alpaca Ranch on Lower Bridge Way. I've never
seen so many alpacas in one place. One of the other riders reported that
they saw a newborn taking its first steps.
Tetherow Road has about three miles of gravel. We stopped and ate the rest of our lunch by a bridge over a stream. Sue had trouble riding the newly-laid gravel on the second half so we ended up walking much of it.
By the time we got to Cline Falls we had already eaten so we skipped the
park and headed right back down Cline Falls Highway. We stopped for a bit
in the village of Tumalo and bought sodas and fruit smoothies. It turned
out that the town was too small to have a laundromat, so it was good we
didn't try to find one yesterday.
That evening we had one of our traditional concerts with Dave Allen on
the violin and Bob on the guitar. While there is considerable overlap in
their repertoire, Bob likes folk and traditional American tunes while
Dave seems to prefer Celtic music. I recorded a short video (.avi)
sample. For examples of the two of them
playing together, refer to
last year's tour.