2007 Gourmet bicycle tour, Day 2

Monday June 25, Antelope Lake

En español

Elevation profile for day 2
57 miles, 2095 feet of climb (200 ft/division)

Map for day 2

Two cyclists on the road in the valley Normally the Gourmet group visits a different place every year. Nevertheless, this year we are in the same place because last year a wildfire interrupted a portion of the tour. I didn't attend last year, so everything is new to me.

Lake seen through the trees Today we rode from the campground to Antelope Lake, rode around the lake, and returned. We could see the burned trees, but the views were still beautiful. I bought a Pepsi at the park store which is located in a small travel trailer converted into a store. The original store burned in the fire.

Riders sitting on a large log beside the lake Some of us had lunch beside the lake, sitting on a large log.

Cyclists sitting at a table We stopped at the store in the little village of Gennessee but it was closed. So we rested a bit at some tables outside the store before returning to camp.

A campfire in the night We made a fire tonight in camp, which felt really good in the cold air.

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