2007 Gourmet bicycle tour, Day 1

Sunday June 24, Greenville/Indian Valley

En español

Elevation profile for day 1
44 miles, 1044 feet of climb (200 ft/division)

Map for day 1

Vin frying bacon Our first day of riding began with a breakfast of pancakes, bacon, fresh fruit, cereal, and orange juice. Each person made his own lunch of sandwich, etc., to take on the bike.

People eating, wearing heavy clothes against the cold It was very cold before the sun appeared, but the weather was nice for the ride.

Sue riding through the valley with the mountains in the background Today we rode through Indian Valley. The valley is in the shape of a platter surrounded by mountains. Its a perfect place to ride because there is very little traffic on roads with good pavement.

Small waterfall On Diamond Mountain Road, we rode past the end of the pavement to a little waterfall where we had our lunch. Not far away is a big rock suspended up off the ground, stuck between two trees. It must have been a really big flood to lift such a large rock so high up the bank.

Rock jammed between two trees with cyclists looking on

Old foundations on the side of a hill Returning on the same road, we saw an old copper and gold mine. It was closed in 1930, but they are thinking about opening it up again using modern extraction techniques.

Sign explaining the history of the mine

Goats on and around a piece of farm machinery We saw some goats playing on top of some ancient pickup trucks in a field beside the road. Unfortunately, they ran off before we could get a photo of them on the trucks.

Laptop computer and chair next to the bath house After dinner, I wanted to write in this diary. The only place in the campground with electricity is an outside outlet on the side of the bath house. I am now sitting there in my folding chair typing on my laptop computer to record these words.

A group of people on a bridge looking up into space Alfred had read that the International Space Station was going to appear in the sky at 9:20 in the evening. We all marched down to a bridge close to the campground entrance to take advantage of its good view to the southwest. Unfortunately, nothing appeared in the sky, but I suspect that several drivers passing by on the road must have thought that we were some type of religious cult gazing into the heavens awaiting the rapture.

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