1996 Cross-Country Tour. Day 31, June 17, Des Moines NM to Boise OK

Monday June 17, Des Moines NM to Boise OK

91 miles

Day 31 map

"Three States in an Hour"

Road disappearing in the distance on perfectly flat landscape The statistics today were 91 miles with a grand total of 190 feet net elevation gain. This country is FLAT.

Alan standing with bike in delosate field Before I left home, while I was generating my route maps with my mapping software program, I noticed that it looked like our route would pass within less than a mile of the northwest corner of Texas. Sure enough, when I zoomed in on the computer screen I could see the highway came within a few hundred yards. I carefully measured the distance from the last intersection and noted it on the map.

Today we found what we thought was the correct unmarked dirt road and went down it a ways until we judged we must in Texas. We flagged down some guys in a pickup truck who said, "Yup that's Texas on the other side of the fence." So we rode until we came to a gate, went through and took each other's picture. Another state for our collection!

Alan, Bike and 'Welcome to Olkahoma' sign The lady in the little coffee shop in Felt OK was surprised to have cyclists from California and New York City coming all the way to visit her little town. Another pair of cycle tourists had passed through a few days before, going from Alaska to Florida.

Tonight we're in Boise City. It's pronounced "boys".

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